Coordinators guide to the


Final Thoughts


We have discussed the situation we find ourselves in and our deep concern for perpetual adoration and all adorers individually. We have shared ways in which we can recover the situation and hopefully strengthen the faith of all adorers. It is natural that our biggest concern is for those who have not been able to come to the chapel during this time. But it is good to remember that when life begins to return to normality we are all vulnerable to being caught in the frantic rush of activity to recover what was lost in all aspects of life.

In this atmosphere it may be a challenge to keep our time with Jesus as a priority. Therefore it’s good to emphasize again the need for everybody to have this Eucharistic evangelization, this renewal, in order to hold fast to the “one thing necessary” in the midst of feeling the pressure of so many urgent things.

If the task before us seems too great remember this thought: that the grace of each holy hour is eternal. From the moment it flows out from the Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist it continues for all eternity blessing you and everyone God ever created and will create. Think for a moment of all the holy hours ever prayed in your chapel and know that this infinite grace is working for you right now, “grace upon grace”. (Jn 1:16)

Remember also that these graces are flowing from the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary and Pope Benedict says that Jesus “from the Cross, from the throne of grace and salvation… makes Mary the channel of the rivers of grace that flow from Calvary.” 1 This means that Mary is working with us and she is applying all the graces of every single holy hour to your situation as you need them. Nothing is ever lost! All these graces are stored in Mary’s heart, and her heart knows exactly what you need.

So as we work we simply unite our love with Mary’s love for every person in the parish, putting our faith and trust in the infinite power of Jesus in the Eucharist and leave the results to God.


In this time we have learned to appreciate the gift of God, the Holy Eucharist, more than ever. We have experienced a longing to be with Jesus: at mass, in Holy Communion and in adoration. This is something we have all experienced in this time of deprivation.

Jesus himself feels this longing and He appreciates every single effort you have ever made to satisfy the thirst in His Heart to be united with everyone in the Eucharist.

There will be some that won’t be able to be reunited with Jesus in their hour for quite some time due to various medical conditions - until the situation in their country is safe. In some countries this will be longer than others. As our desires are fulfilled in the short term let us remain vigilant on behalf of those who may remain in a feeling of exile from their hour and be ever ready to encourage them to come back when they can and sustain their faith until they do.

Scripture says that God will not ”overlook your work and the love which you showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do.“ (Heb 6:10) He can never be outdone in generosity. He is so grateful for everything that you have done for Him, He will reward you a thousand times over “good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing” (Lk 6:38)






Final Thoughts


We have discussed the situation we find ourselves in and our deep concern for perpetual adoration and all adorers individually. We have shared ways in which we can recover the situation and hopefully strengthen the faith of all adorers. It is natural that our biggest concern is for those who have not been able to come to the chapel during this time. But it is good to remember that when life begins to return to normality we are all vulnerable to being caught in the frantic rush of activity to recover what was lost in all aspects of life.


In this atmosphere it may be a challenge to keep our time with Jesus as a priority. Therefore it’s good to emphasize again the need for everybody to have this Eucharistic evangelization, this renewal, in order to hold fast to the “one thing necessary” in the midst of feeling the pressure of so many urgent things.


If the task before us seems too great remember this thought: that the grace of each holy hour is eternal. From the moment it flows out from the Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist it continues for all eternity blessing you and everyone God ever created and will create. Think for a moment of all the holy hours ever prayed in your chapel and know that this infinite grace is working for you right now, “grace upon grace”. (Jn 1:16)


Remember also that these graces are flowing from the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary and Pope Benedict says that Jesus “from the Cross, from the throne of grace and salvation… makes Mary the channel of the rivers of grace that flow from Calvary.” 1 This means that Mary is working with us and she is applying all the graces of every single holy hour to your situation as you need them. Nothing is ever lost! All these graces are stored in Mary’s heart, and her heart knows exactly what you need.


So as we work we simply unite our love with Mary’s love for every person in the parish, putting our faith and trust in the infinite power of Jesus in the Eucharist and leave the results to God.



In this time we have learned to appreciate the gift of God, the Holy Eucharist, more than ever. We have experienced a longing to be with Jesus: at mass, in Holy Communion and in adoration. This is something we have all experienced in this time of deprivation.


Jesus himself feels this longing and He appreciates every single effort you have ever made to satisfy the thirst in His Heart to be united with everyone in the Eucharist.


There will be some that won’t be able to be reunited with Jesus in their hour for quite some time due to various medical conditions - until the situation in their country is safe. In some countries this will be longer than others. As our desires are fulfilled in the short term let us remain vigilant on behalf of those who may remain in a feeling of exile from their hour and be ever ready to encourage them to come back when they can and sustain their faith until they do.


Scripture says that God will not ”overlook your work and the love which you showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do.“ (Heb 6:10) He can never be outdone in generosity. He is so grateful for everything that you have done for Him, He will reward you a thousand times over “good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing” (Lk 6:38)


Reflexiones Finales
Hemos discutido la situación en la que nos encontramos y nuestra profunda preocupación por la adoración perpetua y por cada adorador individualmente. Hemos compartido maneras en las que podemos recuperarnos de esta situación con la esperanza de fortalecer la fe de todos los adoradores. Es natural que nuestra preocupación más grande sea por aquellos no han podido ir a la capilla durante este tiempo. Pero es bueno recordar que cuando la vida empiece a volver a la normalidad, todos somos vulnerables a vernos atrapados en la frenética precipitación de actividades por recuperar lo que se perdió en todos los aspectos de la vida.
En este ambiente puede ser un reto mantener nuestro tiempo con Jesús como una prioridad. Por eso es bueno enfatizar de nuevo la necesidad que todos hagan esta evangelización Eucarística, esta renovación, para poder aferrarse a la “única cosa necesaria” en medio de la presión de tantas cosas urgentes.
Si la tarea que tenemos por delante parece demasiado grande, recordemos este pensamiento: la gracia de cada hora santa es eterna. Desde el momento que brota del Corazón de Jesús en la Eucaristía continúa por toda la eternidad bendiciéndolos a ustedes y a todos los que Dios ha creado y creará. Piensen por un momento en todas las horas santas rezadas en su capilla y tengan la certeza que esta gracia infinita está actuando para ustedes en este momento, “gracia sobre gracia”. (Jn 1,16)
Recuerden también que estas gracias fluyen del sacrificio de Jesús en el Calvario y el Papa Benedicto dice que Jesús “desde la Cruz, desde el trono de la gracia y la salvación…. constituye a María en el canal de ríos de gracia que brotan del Calvario”. Esto significa que María está trabajando con nosotros y está aplicando las gracias de cada una de las horas santas a su situación de acuerdo a su necesidad. ¡Nada se pierde! María guarda todas estas gracias en su corazón, y su corazón sabe exactamente lo que necesitan.
Así que mientras trabajamos, sencillamente unimos nuestro amor al amor que María tiene por cada persona de la parroquia, poniendo nuestra fe y confianza en el poder infinito de Jesús en la Eucaristía, y dejamos los resultados a Dios.
En este tiempo hemos aprendido a apreciar el don de Dios, la Sagrada Eucaristía, más que nunca. Hemos experimentado el anhelo de estar con Jesús: en la Misa, en la Santa Comunión y en adoración. Esto es algo que todos hemos experimentado en este tiempo de privación.
Jesús mismo siente este anhelo y Él aprecia cada esfuerzo que han hecho para satisfacer la sed en Su Corazón de estar unido a todos en la Eucaristía.
Algunos no podrán reunirse con Jesús en su hora por algún tiempo debido a distintas condiciones médicas - hasta que la situación en su país sea segura. En algunos países esto será más largo que en otros. Mientras nuestros deseos se ven cumplidos en el corto plazo, mantengámonos vigilantes por aquellos que puedan permanecer en el sentimiento de exilio de su hora y estemos siempre dispuestos para animarlos a que regresen cuando les sea posible y a sostener su fe hasta ese momento.
La Escritura dice que Dios no “olvida las obras y el amor que ustedes han mostrado a su nombre, a través de los servicios que prestaron y que aún prestan a los santos”. (Heb 6,10) A Dios no se le puede ganar en generosidad. Él está tan agradecido por todo lo que han hecho por Él, que los recompensará mil veces más, “una buena medida apretada, repleta, desbordante”. (Lc 6,38)